Addendum - Astro Hardware

EAF Focuser Performance

updated: 2024-04-16

This EAF performance diagram was measured on a TS-Optics 2.5" Rack and Pinion Focuser. and an ASIAIR. The measured backslash was 255 (max!).

More details:

  • Max EAF value on this focuser:  35034 steps
  • max focuser distance to end of fixed part of focuser (EAF= 35034):        102.57 mm
  • min focuser distance to end of fixed part of focuser (EAF=0):                 3.05mm
  • Estimated average step size:                                                 0.003456 mm/step

Instead of a linear relationship between the number of steps per mm, the graph shows a rather non-linear behavior, especially in the lower focuser distance (<6000 steps or less than 20 mm focuser distance). This result makes the estimation of the optimal focuser position with respect to the optical length of the "camera tail" rather impractical. The reason for this behavior is unknown.

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