Addendum - Planetarium SW


updated: 2023-02-19

 SkySafari 6 Pro includes over 100 million stars, 3 million galaxies down to 18th magnitude, and 750,000 solar system objects; including every comet and asteroid ever discovered.* Plus, state of the art mobile telescope control.




SkySafari 6 | Professional Astronomy Telescope Control Software for iOS (


$39,99 (other variants are available.)

Please read the next chapter Connecting SkySafari to a Mount via ASIAIR  if you want to use SkySafariPro together with the ASIAIR guider.

Picture shows the telescope view of a connected iEQ45Pro mount via ASIAIR at home position (facing the North Celestial Pole (NCP) and different view configurations (telescopes, cameras etc.).

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