
Image PlateSolver

updated: 2023-03-22


Script > Image Analysis

Plate solve results

Based on the active window (a fully stretched image of the Pleiades) it will return the following results:

Saving keywords...

Saving properties...

Saving control points...

Saved 431 control points.

Image Plate Solver script version 5.6.6


Referentiation matrix (world[ra,dec] = matrix * image[x,y]):

 -4.31563274e-04  +9.83722665e-05  +7.55472335e-01

 -9.83934183e-05  -4.31518960e-04  +8.12897096e-01

WCS transformation ....... Thin plate spline

Control points ........... 387

Spline lengths ........... l:387 b:387 X:387 Y:387

Projection ............... Gnomonic

Projection origin ........ [2072.245168 1411.297920] px -> [RA:  3 47 05.169  Dec: +24 06 58.65]

Resolution ............... 1.593 arcsec/px

Rotation ................. -12.840 deg

Reference system ......... ICRS

Observation start time ... 2022-10-24 02:20:51 UTC

Observation end time ..... 2022-10-24 02:23:51 UTC

Focal distance ........... 599.35 mm

Pixel size ............... 4.63 um

Field of view ............ 1d 50' 3.1" x 1d 14' 56.6"

Image center ............. RA:  3 47 05.159  Dec: +24 06 59.19  ex: +0.000107 px  ey: +0.000453 px

Image bounds:

   top-left .............. RA:  3 50 25.106  Dec: +24 55 36.31  ex: -0.002612 px  ey: +0.000480 px

   top-right ............. RA:  3 42 32.733  Dec: +24 31 01.41  ex: +0.000490 px  ey: -0.001705 px

   bottom-left ........... RA:  3 51 35.898  Dec: +23 42 27.03  ex: -0.000965 px  ey: +0.000720 px

   bottom-right .......... RA:  3 43 47.820  Dec: +23 18 06.00  ex: -0.000060 px  ey: +0.000705 px  

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