updated: 2021-10-01

Please follow these steps to prevent connectivity problems on the USB bus

  1. Don't connect the USB extension cable to you computer yet!
  2. Turn on the computer and wait until fully booted (this may take up to 10 minutes depending on any initial file or synchronizations)
  3. Check that all OS and software updates have been downloaded and installed (this should already be completed during the equipment check!)
  4. Completely shut down the computer
  5. Now connect the USB extension cables on the computer and the equipment side
    • (on my laptop: use only the rear USB port on the right side, the 2nd one other sometimes causes problems!)
  1. Re-boot the computer with now plugged in USB cables
    • should the re-boot process stall, shortly unplug the USB extension cable and plug it in again
  1. Start the applications in the following order:
    1. iOptron Commander to control the mount and to initialize the ASCOM interface
      1. in the iOptron Commander window click on "connect the mount"
      2. Connect the focuser
    2. next run the PHD2 Guiding  
      1. click on "Connect All Equipment
    3. now start SGPro  used for session control and frame capturing
      1. Menu > Tools > Connect all Equipment

If you get an error message like "PhD2 profile "No Profile Selected" is not valid!" then look here.

  1. Verify that all equipment parts have been recognized by the software, in particular die CMOS and guiding camera (sometimes causing problems)

Next step: Polar Alignment

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