ASIAIR based workflow

Using ASIAIR Live Stacking Mode

updated: 2023-07-03

Live stacking needs some preparation - in order to work correctly you should first shoot calibration frames like bias, dark and flat frames with the live tracking function. Different from the Autorun and Session Plans, the calibration frames are stacked during the shooting process to so called Master Calibration Frames  for later stacking together with the light frames.


click on the images to open in higher resolution

ASIAIR Video Main Screen

To open the Live Stacking  function, select Live on the ASIAIR right side menu on the main screen 

Capturing Live Frames

Set exposures and assign the calibration frames:

You can also activate the Autosave function to keep all frames for later computer based integration:

Enabling the autosave function leaves all files and the final stacked image in the same folder on the CF card or USB drive:

Start Live Stacking

Click on the Start button to start capturing  the light frames.

M101 live capturing using a TS-Optics 90/600 OTA (M101 manually magnified)

Stop Live Stacking

Important: there is no other way to limit the number of exposures than to manually stop capturing frames. 

Save the Stacked Image

Don't forget to save the stacked image by tapping on the symbol. The stacked image file name starts with "Stack...", see example above.

See article: Review: Live Stacking with the ASIAIR Pro by David Parks | ZWO ASI (

This very good article also explains how to:

    • focus
    • catch dark, bias and flat frames

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