PixInsight - Image Post Processing

ABPP - Automatic Batch Pre-Processing

updated: 2021-05-20


This script will add all the light frames, the flats, the darks and the bias frames, register them, stack them, debayer them and return a single stacked image.


Script 🡺 Batch Processing 🡺 BatchPreprocessing


aligned original images (light, dark, ...)


integrated picture, file name “*_i.xisf” into sub folder "aligned"

Previous Step

Picture Shooting

Next Step

Picture Post Processing


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONj9nP_dTD0 (Part 12)





Add  Frames
  • First add Bias frames
  • Add dark files
  • Add flat files 
  • Add light files

If you want to use Master calibration frames instead of multiple single calibration frames, then make sure the file name of the master files start with "Master".

For example: if you did a live stacking with ASIAIR Pro you will get filenames like: "Stack20_Bias_1.0ms_Bin1_gain120_20210813-134241.fit".

Just rename them to e.g. "Master_Stack20_Bias_1.0ms_Bin1_gain120_20210813-134241.fit" and the automatic batch process will be able to treat them as master files. Otherwise the calibration frames will be ignored during the light frame calibration part of the process with an error message like:

*** Warning: Cannot integrate less than three frames.

!!! Error: Master Flat file was not be generated.


  • Select RGGB and VGN for CCDs


Image Integration

  • Choose Sigma Clipping for this number of files.
  • Set:
    • Sigma Low 3 to 3.4
    • Sigma high: 2.8 to 3
  • Repeat the settings for darks, flats and bias frames.


Set Global Options

  • CFA must be checked for color cameras; it will force a debayering of the images.
  • Optimize dark frames: will work on some DSLRs but probably not on OSC cameras.
  • Make sure to check Up-Bottom FITS for ZWO ASI294 (or final picture will be reversed!)


Add images

To define the reference image just double click on the best light frame (or the one which was marked REF…). in this case the image FUXT1280.RAF


Registration of Reference Image


Set Output Folder

As output folder select e.g. a subfolder called AutoCal\master 

WARNING: Depending on the number of files to be processed and the size of each file the process may take up many gigabytes of space.  Please make sure you have enough space on the disk, consider using an external disk!



Click on to check if PixelInsight sees problems somewhere in the files.

Depending on the number of files to be processed and the size of each file the process may take up many gigabytes of space, please make sure you have enough space on the disk. (Personal note: Had to move the target directory to an external disk E:\Astro\20190921 ElephantTrunk ISO1600\calibration to be able to run this batch)



Then click on to start the processing – this may take a longer time. 

There will be no success message when completed, just the batch control window will reappear with checks at the master frame files that have been generated.


Resulting Masterfiles

You can find the masterfiles in the master sub-folder destination folders:


Final Check

Check the High and Low rejection pictures and first stretch them, if they seem OK, you can close them.

The open the light-BINNING file and stretch it. 


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